50 Years

WLD Ranch is celebrating 50 Years!

The current staff of WLD Ranch would like to thank you for your part in the past 50 years of WLD Ranch’s ministry. May God continue to use this ministry for the next 50 years and beyond.

The 50 Year Celebration of WLD Ranch was (in the words of Ethan Preston) "amazing!" The rodeo on August 30 entertained about 275 people as we rode horses, laughed together, and reminisced about rodeos past. Saturday's events were well attended, with plenty of fun and food for all. Some of the highlights included archery, canoeing, the alumni reunions, horse rides, the concerts, and the hot air balloon rides (over 150 people got a bird's eye view of the camp!). One of the best things about the day was the opportunity for hundreds of people to enjoy the camp while reconnecting with each other and learning about what God is doing through the ministry today and for the future. Sunday's church service was an exciting and encouraging time of reflecting on and rejoicing in God's faithfulness through the years, as well as a challenge to continue being faithful to His calling in each of our lives as we anticipate what God has for each of us and for this ministry in the future.

Here is a link to an overview in pictures of 50 years of WLD Ranch: http://animoto.com/play/aP77Hh55T0oSJ1SK1GMzmg

Pictures of the 50 Year Celebration weekend are posted athttps://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151757364558411.1073741835.56129648410&type=3

Celebrating the past . . .
. . . Anticipating the future

“Remembering the past, anticipating the future” is a reminder that while we celebrate God’s faithfulness for the past 50 years of WLD Ranch’s ministry, God is not finished with this ministry yet. What part will you have in the present or future of WLD Ranch? Go to www.wldranch.com/about for some ways to get involved..

We are publishing a book about WLD Ranch, including Wayne’s story and the impact his vision has had on the community. We’d love to include your memories as well. How has WLD Ranch impacted your life? What is your favorite WLD memory? What aspects being on staff or attending as a camper do you cherish even today? Mail or e-mail us your thoughts and we’ll include them in this publication (after some editing for space and content) (e-mail joseph@wldranch.com). (Please include your name, current city/state, and when you were involved at WLD Ranch.)

WLD Ranch 2017 7351 Woolsey Rd. Girard, PA 16417 (814) 474-3414